DF0042's blog 我们的部落格

This is where our journey begins...

一个属于我们缘分的天空 ~

[[ Another Swimming Day... ]]

- Wednesday, October 31, 2007 -
Ooi... no 1 write post here 1... boring liao...

Last SAT, Chun fetch me to Yan swimming pool to swim...
Well... it's a long time since my last swim with all of them...
I bring along my Canon S3 with the UV and Wide Angle lens tht i just bought too.
After swim a while... I start shooting... since it a very nice sunny day.

Macro Mode flower.

Playing with Aperture, focus on the swim eyes glass.

Check out the 'line' and the 'muscle' at Chean back... very nice..
I wanna build tht on my back too...

Chean on the left and Chun on the Right swimming in freeStyle

Get ready for Chean Butterfly Swim Style ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~

Well... Chun and Chean is not the main focus on this photo :p
We was 2 nice hot sexy ladies, 1 is asia and other is western wearing Bikini on the swimming pool tht day..
ah~ ~ ~ uhh~ ~ ~ ~~ JENG (i wanna swim more liao !!!)

Yan come and meet us after we finished swim and bath.
Yan and Chun departure for lunch, me and Chean departure to meet up ex-colleauge.

Lastly, posting myself....